Visitation Policies

Visitation with family members, relatives and friends will be conducted on the following schedule. Each inmate will be allowed one (1) visit per visitation period.
Visitation will be on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. You will be allowed TWO (2) twenty-minute visitations per week. The current schedule will be posted in the lobby of the jail.
No child will be allowed to be left unattended in the Ware County Jail.
A visitor will be denied a visit if the visitor is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs or is disruptive or refuses to follow facility rules.
All visits will be supervised by a staff member. Purses, food/drinks and smoking are not allowed in the visiting area.
Visitation by legal counsel, ministers and other privileged individuals will be conducted with the most privacy available and will not be limited or restricted during normal hours. However, such visitations may be suspended or delayed during scheduled facility programs and services.
No contact visits are permitted. The Ware County Jail reserves the right to deny any visit.
Inmate Mail
Inmate Mail will be collected daily by staff members, which will be forwarded to the U.S. Postal Service within 24 hours of receipt from the inmate unless:
Mail is deposited on the weekend
Mail is being held as evidence to substantiate any breach of Jail security.
Mail is being held because it contains contraband, plans for escape, threats of bodily harm to another, plans for riot or other disorder, and/or plans for the production of any explosive, incendiary or pyrotechnic device.
Inmate Phone System
The phone system in the Ware County Jail is operated and maintained by ATN, Inc., of St. Marys, Georgia 31558. All questions concerning communications using the inmate phone system should be refered directly to the ATN customer service representatives at
The most common problem encountered with the Inmate Phone system is that calls can not be completed to certian phone numbers. ATN service representatives can quickly check to see if there is a block on your line, or if your calls are not being completed for some other reason. ATN, may block your line for any of the following most common reasons.
- Excessive Call Charges Exceeding ATN Credit Limits
- Kick back of any Call Records or Charges by your Local Service Provider
- Non-payment of Outstanding Direct Billed Charges
- Any Indicated Fraudulent Use of the Telephones
- The line is subscribed to an un-billable Local Service Provider
- Customer's Billing Information Incomplete
- Threatening or otherwise Uncooperative Customer
- Facility Requested Block
- Called Party Requested Block
Additionally, the customer's local phone company may directly or indirectly have the line blocked from receiving collect calls. This may be due to any of the following:
- New Telephone Number
- Owner Requested Third Party Billing Block
- Non-payment of Long Distance or other Third Party Charges
- Poor Payment Record with Local Provider
- The Local Service Provider does not accept any Third Party Charges
- New Telephone Exchange not currently programmed
- The customer may be using a cell phone that is unable accept collect calls.
Contact the ATN customer service representative at